Janelle Nafziger
No person is an island. We were made to partake in this life – in both the good and trying times – together.
Janelle Nafziger Disclosure Statement
I believe we all have a story of life worth telling. All of us experience hills and valleys across our lives, some more high and deep than others. No person is an island; we were made to partake in this life together, through good times and trying times. We need companions who can witness our pain, fears, joy, revelations, confusion, freedom, and apathy. We need people around us who have walked through some dark tunnels and come out the other side, now able to say with assurance, “There is an end. You’ll make it through, and I will walk with you as you find your way.” I see my work as such — attuned companionship to your story and experiences of life’s hills and valleys. I believe that when we walk through the darkness together, we will find our way with time.
I see humans as whole and relational beings. We are made up of a body, heart, mind, and soul, and exist within relationships and systems. I view physiological, psychological, spiritual, relational, and systemic components of your life as valuable areas of consideration and examination in our counseling work. As a counselor, I value compassion, sensitivity, truth-bearing, wisdom, and connection. I approach counseling with an eclecticism of Person-Centered, Narrative, Emotionally-Focused, Cognitive-Behavioral, and Existential Therapy. I attune to life patterns and themes; give attention to emotions, beliefs, and physiological cues; and incorporate approaches that aim to bring a sense of integration to one’s life and experiences. I also work with spiritual and religious components when invited by a client.
I am completing a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at George Fox University. Before beginning my counseling career, I worked with women in a substance abuse recovery center, adolescents who have experienced sexual abuse and trafficking, immigrants and refugees living in Europe, and elementary-age children in an after-school setting. Through my travels, experiences, relationships, and personal healing journey, I have come to know “deep in my bones” that healing, hope, and a meaningful life are not only possible but available to us.
Areas of Specialty