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Family Counseling

Professionals providing family counseling

Many issues do not solely affect one person but, have varying impacts on everyone in the family. Stressors and changes can create one emotional reaction for one family member and a very different reaction for another. We assess the broader cultural system the family lives within, gender roles, and the dynamics of power in the family. Family counseling is used to explore the varying emotional reactions to events and provide a safe environment to communicate those emotions to one another.

During family counseling, healthy conflict resolution is taught and conflict can be worked through in the process. Family members have the experience of hearing and understanding the thoughts and feelings of one another. They will enhance compassion and understanding for one another, create more appropriate boundaries, eliminate ineffective power struggles and clarify needed family roles and responsibilities. Your entire family is the client and the enhanced well-being of the entire family is the goal of treatment.

Blended families present special challenges and often benefit from clarifying roles and responsibilities as part of the counseling process. If you are interested in learning more about family therapy and the techniques that might be used, please check out this article.

Check out our team page for more information on our counselors. We have counselors that specialize in working with families.